
Showing posts from October, 2019

This is America

What is the overall message or connotation of the video in relation to the events, issues, individuals and social groups represented? The video of "This is America" which is performed by Donald Glover is a non-conventional Hip Hop video as there is no stereotypical elements such as money, champagne, women in scantly clad clothing etc, this video has none of that as it is a way to criticise the tropes that we have made ordinary and also criticise how Black musicians are treated as simply performers that dance for our entertainment but are still discriminated against in their day to day life. The narrative of the video is non-linear meaning there is no progression in the story (no beginning or end) this may to be highlight the chaos of the judicial system of America that stereotypes black people in terms of sentencing but also just the chaos in America in terms of political climate and racial biases. There is a lot of intertextuality featured within the music video such