Analysis of Black by Dave

Black by Dave

Dave was born David Orobosa Omoregie on the 5th of June in 1998 in England to Edo immigrant parents.  The music video itself is a narrative\experimental video as it shows a variety of different scenes where they show different scenarios which when put together tell an overall narrative to the story. The video was released in February of 2019 around the time of major black lives matter movements, the video then became all the more prominent with the murder of George Floyd. The video provides an insight into how it feels like to be black in a modern world society which can be inferred by the lyrics for example, "The blacker the berry the sweeter the juice, a kid dies, the blacker the killer the sweeter the news", this clearly highlights the discrimination that black people face from the media and how they are portrayed within such platforms.

The opening title is a simplistic design of which i would like to try and replicate within my own music video.

The camerawork of the video itself is professional,clean and controlled, this is in order to emphasise the message of the video to the audience, as Dave aims to provide a controlled analysis of how it feels to be black and the discrimination that comes with it. The editing of the video is a mix of slow and fast cuts which demonstrates different scenes and scenarios which help to promote how despite the discrimination that young black people can still have successful and bright futures. In terms of Mise-en-scene there are repeated themes of Black people and them showing pride in their culture, there is also the use of stylish and wealthy clothes which would go against the traditional stereotype that is commonly associated with Black people.

In terms of the social groups that have been represented in this music video are a wide variety which demonstrates that the problem of racism and prejudice can affect a wide range of people. The video features, the working class who are both young and old alike. The video also features all genders and focus heavily on those who are black and the prejudice that they have faced.

As a result of Watching Black by Dave I would like to replicate the same professional standard of Camera work in order to make the video look clean and entertain the viewers. I would also like to include a similar type montage of events depicting how the character got into their position within my music video.


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