The Media and Me

The Media and Me

There are multiple forms of media that affect everyone's daily lives even though they may not know it  everyone is effected in one way or another whether that be in good or bad ways is up to the beholder. I am going to tell you my experiences with certain forms of media that have effected my life.

Films have evolved drastically throughout their time on the planet reaching new heights many thought impossible such as advanced practical and special effects that enhance the viewers experience of what ever film they have chosen to watch. For me, film has played a very large part in my life as from a very young I have always watched films with my parents and my brother whether that be in the cinema or at home which inspired me later on in life to make short films with my friends who had shared my enjoyment of films, for example we had made a spoof of "Shaun of the dead" with me and my friend Ethan playing the lead roles and also our own original horror film which involved me being a serial killer who was killed but rose again-spoilers-which took us three days to produce. Another way that film effected my life is through the Marvel cinematic universe which has been with me for around about 10 years which is the majority of my life. One of my favourite films as of recent years is that of "Bronson" which follows the life of the most violent prisoner in Britain and in the world.

Newspapers have played a small part of my life as I have only ever read a few in my life. There are many different newspapers in the UK alone, for example, the sun,the Independent, The daily telegraph,Daily mail etc. Some of these would be considered broadsheet newspapers which are typically for the wealthy and upper class people where as others would be considered tabloids which would be associated with middle and lower class people. However, the reason this form of media  is slowly becoming less important and needed due to the growing popularity of the Internet(more on that later) this means that people would rather subscribe to an online news outlet rather than the analogue form of news for ease of access and just making their lives easier.

Video games 
Video games have played a very large part in my life as I would always typically play them with my brother growing up until we eventually had our own consoles where we could play them on our own and play the games we liked that the other didn't. I also believe that this form of media has played a fairly large part in mostly everyone's lives whether they like it or not. However, with all good things it does not comes without its controversy for example the Grand Theft Auto series has been the centre of controversy through out the years such as people saying that it causes children to become increasingly violent despite many people being completely sane and normal after playing these games  instead of becoming the bloodthirsty monsters they are made out to be. There are many controversies surrounding the latest instalment of the franchise "Grand Theft Auto v" whether that be surrounding the violence or the attitudes towards certain genders or ethnicity. 
Here's one example.
However, two of my favourite games to play in my spare time would be the latest instalment of the Fallout franchise by Bethesda, "Fallout 4" and also "Skyrim" also from the Bethesda studios as they have made up of a lot of enjoyment in my life.

One of the most prominent and still relevant form of media is that of television which has played a large part of my life as i grew up watching television shows that aired on cartoon network for example which aired children's cartoons that kept me entertained for many years and hours every day. However,like most forms of media it has gone through some changes for example there has been the introduction of online Television services such as Netflix where you can watch virtually any box set and TV series on demand.However, with the good also comes the bad with the latest craze of reality TV which supposedly shows us "real" people in "real" scenarios such shows would include "Love Island" and "celebrity Big Brother" however shows like "Britain's Got Talent" would also be included in this umbrella term of Reality TV. Although in my opinion this is not the most entertaining thing on TV the rest of the nation would disagree as shows like these are what are keeping TV afloat.

Image result for cartoon networkImage result for love island
Music Videos
Music videos used to be very popular as they would gather the attention of millions of fans around the globe when they were aired on MTV and on the internet with its introduction. However, now-a-days due to services such as Spotify the need to see the artist put forth their visionary ideas through their video people instead prefer just to listen to any song in the world with just the touch of a Button. Music videos were extremely popular especially during times of the constant back and forth between two rap artists known as Biggie Smalls and Tupac Shakur this was during their times of diss tracks and also the advancement of rap through the group known as N.W.A which helped to popularise rap alongside the diss racks between the artists mentioned before.
Image result for NWA   Image result for biggie smalls vs tupac
The Internet
The internet is most arguably the most relevant form of media in today's society this is part;y due to that almost any service that you desire can be found online thanks to the internet.This form has played a large part in my life as for my generation it has always been there and as result we have been cultured to accept and use the internet regularly and the internet has also become a form of teacher to the younger generation as we have access to any resource that can influence everything from our humour, our language etc. The internet has also taken this generation by storm through the introduction of social media sites such as Instagram and Snap Chat that has made the world more connected but all the more distant with each other as is the case many times out of the 300 friends they have 6 of them is who they are actually friends with. However. this media has played a large part in my life through sites such as YouTube that gives me an almost endless source of entertainment for me over the years. However. nothing is without negatives as the internet can lead to things such as negative body image for the younger generation as all they see are beautiful women and handsome men with bodies most people will never be able to achieve as they have been modified with Photoshop etc.  

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Image result for Snapchat                         

Magazines have played a little part in my life as i see them everywhere but i never typically buy one or take the time to give it a cheeky read through. There are many different types of magazines such as lifestyle magazines and fashion magazines two of which are the most popular. However, much like the internet and other forms of media it can give their readers negative body images as every woman is exceptionally beautiful and every man is 6 feet plus and unusually handsome where as the average person would not necessarily meet these standards.
Image result for men's health           Image result for fashion magazine
This has played a very small part in my life as i have listened to it on multiple occasions mostly in long car journeys but this form of media is on the decline this is because of the services provided by the internet as you can access podcasts and a variety of songs to keep you entertained and instead of receiving traffic updates from the radio you could instead receive updates from your phone.
                                                       Image result for bbc radio 

Advertising has played a large part in the majority of people's lives whether they notice it or not as in this modern age advertising can come in may forms. These forms of advertising may include such classics as Billboards, ads in newspapers and magazines and the list goes on. However with the digital age large companies and Corperations are able to pay relatively small fee to advertise their merchandise on the internet on certain sites that the majority of people visit such as news outlets and online stores. This form of media can also be seen in Films through the use of product placement where certain logos or products will be visible in the background of scenes that subliminally makes you want to buy one of their products, the most famous case of this would be the coca-cola company which has its own studio where they develop coca-cola themed props to be used in films. 

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Image result for advertising



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