key news terms

context-Refers to circumstances that can shape or influence something
-  subsidiary-A small company owned and controlled by a larger, parent company 
  -  MID MARKET TABLOID- A newspaper that offers a mix of both soft and hard news content in its coverage of news to appeal to its target audience
-  RHETORIC-Writing in a persuasive way to manipulate the reader into agreeing with a point of view.
-  OMBUDSMAN-An official appointed to investigate public complaints against a company, organisation or public authority 
-  HYPERBOLE-Exaggerated statements and claims that are over the top in their expression
-  PROGRESSIVES- People who are forward-thinking and advocate social reform
-  DUAL CONVERGENCE- Tabloids and broadsheets borrow conventions from each genre in the use of media language and values so they increasingly resemble on another 
-  PLATFORM-A material or digital form, service or method of delivering media to an audience  
-  OFCOM- the regulator for the communications services that we use and rely on each day. This covers regulation of broadband, wifi, home phone and mobile services as well as TV, on demand and radio.
-  SOFT NEWS-Soft media comprises organizations that primarily deal with commentary, entertainment, arts and lifestyle.
  -  HARD NEWS- serious news of widespread import, concerning politics, foreign affairs, or the like, as distinguished from routine news items, feature stories, or human-interest stories.
-  HEGEMONY-The predominance of one social group over another.
-  DOMINANT GROUP-A sociological term used to refer to a social group that controls the value systems in any given society 
  -  JOURNALISM-The profession of writing for a newspaper, news websites, news broadcast or magazine.
  -  ACADEMIC IDEAS-Critical ideas or theories written by academic researchers in a particular field or area of expertise. They help to develop understanding and knowledge about the specific topic they are written about. 


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