‘newspaper review - Tuesday 24th march 2020 - lockdown’

Image result for daily star coronavirusfigure 1              Image result for the daily telegraph end of freedomfigure 2

Image result for the sun house arrestfigure 3        Image result for the times you must stay homefigure 4

In both figure 1 and 3 they have both used informal language this is to appeal to their working class based readers where as those in figure 2 and 4 they have used formal language to address their readers this is because typically those who read the times and the daily telegraph are of the upper and middle class of people and are typically more educated and knowledgeable of the world around them. Both the times and the daily telegraph have used photos of Boris Johnson addressing the audience in a serious manner which both helps to convey the seriousness behind the message alongside how strongly the papers themselves believe in this issue but they also show their political allegiance as both are right wing newspapers they are trying to convey an idealistic image of the prime minister to their readers by using flattering images of Boris. This would be the preferred reading of the newspaper. This can also be seen in the Sun newspaper as it is also a right wing newspaper meaning it is also going to show an image of Boris that empowers him which could be interpreted by the use of image of balling his hand into a fist which suggests he is determined to solve the issue, however he is not the centre image instead it draws attention to the lock with union jack flag on it which is most likely used to try and appeal to the working class reader alongside the anchorage of "House arrest" as it is essentially a simplified version of the other right wing newspapers. The Daily star however has used a picture of the world war recruitment poster with a twist as they have used slang to appeal to their working class readership and by using a picture of a poster instead of that of the prime minister also shows their political allegiance which is that of the centre or largely unpolitical and so by choosing to not have the prime minister on the cover suggests that the readers have no real interest in the political world. Both the daily star and the daily telegraph use sell lines in order to attract the attention of their potential readership, however they are designed to appeal to different classes of people. The daily star uses the sell line of "Make your own Maccy's" this suggests that the readers of the daily star maybe less educated as they are seen to have an interest in making their own fast food products. This also heavily suggests that the readers are also from a working class background as they would typically be those who would buy fast food and takeaway meals. Where as the daily telegraph have the sell line of of puzzles. This suggests that the readers of the daily telegraph are from an educated and upper\middle class background who have a keen interest in intellectually stimulating activities such as puzzles.


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