Genre conventions of Hip Hop music videos

 The genre of my music video is that of Hip Hop/rap, so as a result I am going to study videos from other artists in a similar genre. My music video itself is also that of experimental so it will feature both artist performance and narrative.

Eminem-Cleaning out my closet

Joyner Lucas-ADHD 


All these music videos in the same genre as each other both convey a narrative through both their lyrics and the visuals of the performance of either the actors or the actual artist or both. A typical convention that can be seen in each of these videos is that of close ups of the protagonist of the performance looking distressed and being alone to show how in their world they believe they are the only ones going through this which could be used to imply the idea that the world is out to judge them and get at them, as a result of this i will be sticking to this convention.


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