My survey

The responses

The responses show me that people are aware of my chosen theme of male suicide and depression which means i am addressing an issue that people are aware of. By it also being in the top three known issues makes a prominent issue that needs to be addressed. 

This shows me that those who have responded to my survey that the majority of participants listen to rap and or hip hop, which coincidentally links to the genres of my potential song of "I'm sorry" by Joyner Lucas which could be classed in either category. This is useful knowledge for me as part of producing a music video is creating a product that entertains a customer and in turn will make them subconsciously acknowledge the message. This therefore has solidified my song choice in my mind.

From the data i have received from the survey that the majority of people took a non-political stance whether that be to lack of knowledge or a lack of care for the political space. In terms of the responses to what they would expect to see within a music video concerning mental health, it provided insight into potential story lines and points to focus on when creating and producing a music video. As a result of this i am going to keep the Hip-Hop\rap style of my chosen as originally intended with the knowledge it is more likely to entertain my target audience.


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