Mise-en-scene for my music video


The prop with the most significance in the music video will be the protagonist's suicide note which is recited as the song throughout the video and can be re-read by another character featured in the video to symbolise that this cycle may continue or that someone will finally take a stand and protest this issue and help to try and get it resolved.


The lighting of my music video should be a dark and cold colour this is in order to convey to the audience the idea of isolation and the feeling of loneliness that many of those who suffer from mental health issues feel on a day to day basis. The dark lighting also helps to emphasise the intensity of the situation that is portrayed in the music video.


The costume of the protagonist will consist of a black clothing which reflect his inner feelings to the audience, he will be wearing a hoodie and some jogging bottoms as this can give off the idea that he no longer cares about his appearance and what others think of him, others in the music video will be dressed in clean and neat clothes varying in colour as to represent how they are feeling fine in order to contrast the protagonist's feelings. 


  • Hoodie (Black)
  • Black jeans or Jogging bottoms 
  • Black trainers
  • Baseball cap (Black)-optional


The colour of the main location is a blue so this should in theory add to the sad and depressing tone of the song and the music video itself, and the video itself I will attempt to make darker itself as to add to the gritty and intense feeling of the music video.


The majority of the music video takes place within the protagonist's bedroom, this becomes a place where he can release all his emotions without the judgement of his friends and family which then later becomes his final resting place as he allow his emotions to take over and drives him to kill himself in the end of the music video.

An example of a good use of Mise-en-scene within a music video is that of "It's oh so quiet" by Bjork, as it demonstrates how Mise-en-scene can create and change the mood and atmosphere within a performance. An example of this present in the video is when the music reaches a crescendo the lighting becomes brighter and more vibrant in order to represent the idea of being in love. 


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