
Showing posts from March, 2020

key news terms

contex t -Refers to circumstances that can shape or influence something -  subsidiary-A small company owned and controlled by a larger, parent company    -  MID MARKET TABLOID- A newspaper that offers a mix of both soft and hard news content in its coverage of news to appeal to its target audience -  RHETORIC-Writing in a persuasive way to manipulate the reader into agreeing with a point of view. -   OMBUDSMAN-An official appointed to investigate public complaints against a company, organisation or public authority  -  HYPERBOLE-Exaggerated statements and claims that are over the top in their expression -  PROGRESSIVES- People who are forward-thinking and advocate social reform -  DUAL CONVERGENCE- Tabloids and broadsheets borrow conventions from each genre in the use of media language and values so they increasingly resemble on another  -  PLATFORM-A material or digital form, service or method of delivering media to an audience   -  OFCOM- the regulator for the

Newspaper review 25-03-2020

Masthead: This is the title of the newspaper, the masthead suggests that they illuminate the news of the world to their readers and it also makes it seem that is necessary for their readers. Headline: The title given to the story usually  a brief catchy summary, he headline is simple and straightforward as the story focuses on the NHS and their importance during current times. Sub-heading: usually shorter than the headline and provides additional information, this paper has three sub headings in total that show the significance of the current situation and elaborate on the main story. Page furniture:Everything that is not an image or copy relating to the story, this is in an effort to make the Sun more appealing to the readers by providing a lot of content. Splash: this a large image or piece of copy splashed across the front page, the text and image take up the majority of the page which shows the significance of the story. Main image: The dominant picture of the page,

‘newspaper review - Tuesday 24th march 2020 - lockdown’

figure 1               figure 2 figure 3         figure 4 In both figure 1 and 3 they have both used informal language this is to appeal to their working class based readers where as those in figure 2 and 4 they have used formal language to address their readers this is because typically those who read the times and the daily telegraph are of the upper and middle class of people and are typically more educated and knowledgeable of the world around them. Both the times and the daily telegraph have used photos of Boris Johnson addressing the audience in a serious manner which both helps to convey the seriousness behind the message alongside how strongly the papers themselves believe in this issue but they also show their political allegiance as both are right wing newspapers they are trying to convey an idealistic image of the prime minister to their readers by using flattering images of Boris. This would be the preferred reading of the newspaper. This can also be seen in the Su