

I started this project with a simple concept to raise awareness concerning the issue of mental health and I believe that the final product reflects as the video is well shot and edited in order to convey messages concerning my social issue. I believe that this could actually be represented as an actual music video that an artist could release and I believe that the only way to improve it would be to have a higher budget in order to make it appear a higher quality etc. Another thing I would change is that I might reshoot the "funeral scene" and the "shooting" scene in order to make them more impactful and convey a clearer message about the hazardous side effects of mental health  I have also created a website for my artist in tandem with the actual music video itself in order to help create the idea that this is the work of a mainstream artist and company. I like the overall aesthetic of the website however I believe that it would look more professional if i had high

Music video


Planning intertextuality

 Intertextuality-The referencing of another media text or cultural product. In making this reference, the meaning is shaped and developed. An example of intertextuality that I will feature is a recreation of this image within my music video when it reaches the climax of the video as it has serious connotations to mental health and the extremity of the situation if left unchecked.  I will also be including a reference to the film Taxi driver, this will be the scene where Robert De Nero is talking to himself in the mirror this will be replicated throughout my music video as the protagonist of my music video will be rapping to himself in the mirror.

Mise-en-scene for my music video

 Props The prop with the most significance in the music video will be the protagonist's suicide note which is recited as the song throughout the video and can be re-read by another character featured in the video to symbolise that this cycle may continue or that someone will finally take a stand and protest this issue and help to try and get it resolved. Lighting  The lighting of my music video should be a dark and cold colour this is in order to convey to the audience the idea of isolation and the feeling of loneliness that many of those who suffer from mental health issues feel on a day to day basis. The dark lighting also helps to emphasise the intensity of the situation that is portrayed in the music video. costume The costume of the protagonist will consist of a black clothing which reflect his inner feelings to the audience, he will be wearing a hoodie and some jogging bottoms as this can give off the idea that he no longer cares about his appearance and what others think of

Auteurs and their styles (Auteur theory)

BRTHR|Travis Scott-Goosebumps  BRTHR uses a lot of special effects in his Travis Scott music video in order to create an almost drug like experience for the viewer, he also uses these special effects in order to transition to a different scene in the music video in order to further the abstract narrative of the piece. He ends the video with a mid shot of the artist sitting on a throne which i believe makes for an interesting shot. The video also has a glitch like feel and as a result has a lot of jumpy edits etc. Karena Evans| Drake-Nice for what Karena uses smooth camera shots and transitions within Drake's music video in order to create a professional looking music video which represents Drake as a professional, clean (in terms of aesthetics) artist. Karena uses a variety of different colours both dull and bright in order to create such a professional aesthetic. The video itself is abstract as it does not have a key narrative other than that of powerful women.  Grant Singer| The

Music video treatment

The title of the music video itself is "I'm sorry" and it is by Neo, however the track itself is produced by his DJ Morpheus. The concept of the video itself is that it follows the story of a teenage boy who is struggling with his mental health due to circumstances beyond his control and the video demonstrates key events in this narrative which then leads to the climax of the boy killing himself and then narrating his emotions and how it got to that point. The video begins with the boy and his group of friends walking home and they ask him if he is alright and he replies that he is "fine", this then transitions to his room where he is talking to himself about how it got like this until it is revealed he is reading out a suicide note later on, it involves flashbacks of abusive scenarios which affect him as a character, it ends with him shooting himself as highlighted by the chorus, "Just  make sure you tell my family,  It's okay, I'm sorry , But it&#

Editing test

 This was an editing task in order to recap the basics of the editing software and ensure that i am able to edit to the beat and smooth in general.